
of choice中文什么意思

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  • 精选的, 特别的, 自择的
  • 特别的
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  1. Heparin is the treatment of choice .
  2. Piperazine citrate is the drug of choice in the treatment of ascaris infestations .
  3. Secondly, he has to understand the margin of choice he has available to it .
  4. The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners .
  5. for nondegenerate(δ)levels, there is no element of choice in the wave function.


        choice:    n. 1.选择;挑选;选择力,选择权,选择的自由。 2. ...
        at choice:    供任选
        be choice of:    好挑剔的
        by choice:    出于选择; 处于选择
        choice:    n. 1.选择;挑选;选择力,选择权,选择的自由。 2.选择物,所爱好的物品;被选中的东西;入选者;精选品,精华。 3.供选择的种类。 4.审慎。 5.〔美国〕移民的选定地。 the girl of one's choice自己选中的女子,所喜爱的女孩。 Every man to his choice.各取所好。 There is no choice between the two. 二者半斤八两。 Which is your choice? 你要哪一个? a great [large] choice of 备有大量…以供选购。 a poor choice 备货少(无从选择)。 at one's own choice 随意,任意;自由选择地。 by choice 出于自己的选择。 for choice 1. 出于自择。 2. 要选(的话)就选…;特别,宁愿(要)。 have a [the] choice (可以)选择。 have a wide [large] choice of有很多,…齐备。 have no (particular) choice 1. 哪个都好,并不特别喜欢哪一个。 2. 无法选择。 have no choice but to (do) 除…外别无他法,只好…。 have one's choice 选择听便,可以挑选( You have your choice between the two. 两者之中任拣一个)。 Hobson's choice 就是这个要否听便[不许挑选]。 make choice of 选择。 make [take] one's choice 任意选取( You may take your choice for one dollar. 每样一元听凭选择)。 of choice 精选的,特别好的。 of one's choice 自己选择[喜欢]的。 offer a choice 听凭选择。 without choice 不分好歹地,无选择地。 adj. 1.精选的,上等的,优良的;值得选用的。 2.爱选择的,挑七拣八的。 3.〔美国〕宠爱的,爱惜的。 be choice of 好挑剔( be choice of one's cloth [food] 讲究衣着[饮食]的);〔美国〕珍视(It's my mother's trunk, and she is very choice of it. 这是我母亲的箱子,她很珍视它)。 be choice over 珍爱,溺爱。 choice bit of calico 〔美俚〕迷人的姑娘。 choice goods 尖儿货,精选货品。 adv. -ly 精选地,七挑八选地,认真地,严查地。 n. -ness 精巧,优良,精选。
        choice in:    选进
        for choice:    出于自择, 要选就选; 要选就选
        in the choice of:    从…..的选择上
        no choice but:    以及一些带有词缀的词
        the choice:    抉择; 选择
        there’s no choice:    别无选择
        choice of your choice= at will:    任你选择
        disaggregate choice, discrete choice:    个体选择
        a great choice of:    各种各样供人选择的
        a judicious choice:    挑选得法
        a large choice of:    大量可供选择的
        a poor choice:    无从选择
        a safe choice:    过于小心的选择
        absolute choice:    绝对选择
        activity choice:    活动选择
        anaclitic choice:    依赖性择配
        axiom of choice:    选择公理
        be choice over:    珍爱、溺爱
        biased choice:    偏见选择
        your choice:    你的选择


        of choiceとは意味:一般{いっぱん}に好まれる、えり抜きの Wine is the beverage of choice with Italian food. イタリア料理には一般にワインが好まれる。 "I have a headache, and I can't sleep very well." "Then this would be the drug of choice! This works for both...
        of choice artinya:pilihan
        of choice перевод:предпочтительный


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